Roundabouts – A Different Type of Management Approach
Version 1
(October 2002 - October 2005 for the translation)
Front Master
Comments and Suggestions
- History
- General Considerations
- Traffic
- Road Safety
- Pedestrians
- Cyclists
- Geometry
- Landscaping
- Signing
- Lighting
- Maintenance
The purpose of this guide is to provide designers with the basic information necessary to implement a roundabout in a community. It contains the essential principles for the needs analysis, geometric design and planning of a roundabout, particularly regarding traffic control devices, lighting and the environment.
Its content has been taken from foreign reference works and adapted to Québec realities by a team of MTQ road design and safety professionals. Each chapter deals with a specific topic. It is recommended that the basic principles described in this document be applied at each stage of development of a roundabout.
This first edition of the guide will be improved and updated in a few years based on the experience acquired and the comments received.