Part 2 - Laws and Regulations
No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Liste des rubriques
Environment Quality Act — Compensation for municipal services provided to recover and reclaim residual materials
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3697
Designation of places for the custody, treatment or assessment of an accused or young person pursuant to the Criminal Code or the Youth Criminal Justice Act
Regulations and other Acts
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3686
Basic Parental Contribution Determination Table (Amend.)
Regulations and other Acts
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3690
Regulation 91-102 respecting Prohibition of Binary Options
Regulations and other Acts
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3694
Basic prescription drug insurance plan (Amend.)
Regulations and other Acts
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3685
Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan, An Act respecting the... — Schedules I and II.1 (Amend.) — Pension Plan of Management Personnel, An Act respecting the... — Schedules II and III (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3699
Pension Plan of Management Personnel, An Act respecting the... — Regulation (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3701
Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan, An Act respecting the... — Application of Title IV.2 of the Act (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3704
Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan, An Act respecting the... — Application of Title IV.2 of the Act (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3704
Pension Plan of Peace Officers in Correctional Services, An Act respecting the... — Regulation (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 49 du 06-12-2017
Page: 3705