Part 2 - Laws and Regulations
No. 52 of 27-12-2023
List of topics
Construction Code — Chapter I.1, Energy Efficiency of Buildings
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 52 of 27-12-2023
Page: 3483
Construction Code — Chapter III, Plumbing
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 52 of 27-12-2023
Page: 3679
Financial assistance for education expenses
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 52 of 27-12-2023
Page: 3763
Professional Code — Diplomas issued by designated educational institutions which give access to permits or specialist's certificates of professional orders
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 52 of 27-12-2023
Page: 3764
Supplemental pension plans
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 52 of 27-12-2023
Page: 3765
Insurance contributions (Amend.)
Regulations and other Acts
Gazette No. 52 of 27-12-2023
Page: 3437
Amalgamation of Municipalité de Courcelles and Municipalité de Saint-Évariste-de-Forsyth
Regulations and other Acts
Gazette No. 52 of 27-12-2023
Page: 3433