Part 2 - Laws and Regulations
No. 25 of 21-06-2006
List of topics
List of bills sanctioned (8 June 2006)
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1783
An Act to amend various legislative provisions of a fiscal nature
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1785
An Act to amend the Act respecting the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche and other legislative provisions
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1793
Building Act — Coming into force of certain provisions with regard to public baths
Coming into force of Acts
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1811
Individual and family assistance
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1819
Industrial accidents and occupational diseases, An Act respecting... — Table of income replacement indemnities for 2007
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1851
Industrial accidents and occupational diseases, An Act respecting... — Table of gross annual income from suitable employments for 2007
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1877
Workmen's Compensation Act — Table of indemnities payable for 2007
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1878
Estuaire-de-la-Rivière-York Nature Reserve — Recognition
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1909
Île-Longue Nature Reserve — Recognition
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1909
Mont-Foster Nature Reserve — Recognition
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1909
William-R.-J.-Oliver Nature Reserve — Recognition
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1910
Computation of the maximum yield of the school tax for the 2006-2007 school year
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 25 of 21-06-2006
Page: 1813