Part 2 - Laws and Regulations
No. 8 of 20-02-2002
List of topics
An Act to again amend the Taxation Act, the Act respecting the Québec sales tax and other legislative provisions
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1139
Land Surveyors Act — Standards of practice for location certificates
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1393
Land Surveyors Act — Standards of practice for staking and layout
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1397
Parks Act — Parks
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1400
Professional Code — Acupuncturists — Diplomas giving access to the permit
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1400
Professional Code — Denturists — Standards for training or diploma equivalence for the issuing of permit
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1401
Scale of fees and duties related to the development of wildlife
Draft Regulations
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1404
An Act respecting Municipalité de Lac-Etchemin
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1419
An Act respecting Ville de Fleurimont
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1419
Plant Protection (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1389
Pits and quarries (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1390
Civil aspects of international and interprovincial child abduction, An Act respecting the... — Yugoslavia — Application of the Act
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1391
Industrie de l'automobile — Mauricie — Constitution of the Comité paritaire (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 8 of 20-02-2002
Page: 1391