Part 2 - Laws and Regulations
No. 2 of 09-01-2002
List of topics
An Act respecting the Health and Social Services Ombudsman and amending various legislative provisions
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 199
Corrections to Order in Council 1045-2001 dated 12 September 2001 respecting the amalgamation of Ville de Matane, the municipalities of Petit-Matane and Saint-Luc-de-Matane and of Paroisse de Saint-Jérôme-de-Matane
Municipal Affairs
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 305
Corrections to Order in Council 1201-2001 dated 10 October 2001 respecting the Amalgamation of Ville de Val-d'Or and the municipalities of Dubuisson, Sullivan, Vassan and Val-Senneville
Municipal Affairs
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 307
Corrections to Order in Council 1046-2001 dated 12 September 2001 respecting the amalgamation of Ville de Saint-Georges, Paroisse de Saint-Georges-Est, Municipalité d'Aubert-Gallion and Paroisse de Saint-Jean-de-la-Lande
Municipal Affairs
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 308
Corrections to Order in Council 1012-2001 dated 5 September 2001 respecting Ville de Grand-Mère, Ville de Shawinigan and Ville de Shawinigan-Sud, Municipalité de Lac-à-la-Tortue, Village de Saint-Georges and the parishes of Saint-Gérard-des-Laurentides and Saint-Jean-des-Piles
Municipal Affairs
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 310
Corrections to Order in Council 1044-2001 dated 12 September 2001 respecting the amalgamation of Ville de Saint-Jérôme, Ville de Bellefeuille, Ville de Saint-Antoine and Ville de Lafontaine
Municipal Affairs
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 313
Committee on Institutions — General consultation — Draft Bill entitled 'An Act respecting the Québec correctional system'
Parliamentary Committees
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 317
Committee on Social Affairs — General consultation — Draft Bill entitled 'Québec Health Card Act'
Parliamentary Committees
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 317
Industrial accidents and occupational diseases, An Act respecting... — Retrospective adjustment of the assessment (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 249
Insured hearing devices (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 253
Pension Plan of Peace Officers in Correctional Services, An Act respecting the... — Regulation (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 245
Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan, An Act respecting the... — Regulation (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 246
Environmental impact assessment and review (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 246
Burial of contaminated soils (Amend.)
Regulations and other acts
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 248
Pension Plan of certain teachers, An Act respecting the... — Regulation (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 255
Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan, An Act respecting the... — Amendment to Schedule VI to the Act — Pension Plan of Management Personnel, An Act respecting the... — Amendment to Schedule VII to the Act
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 256
Pension Plan of Management Personnel, An Act respecting the... — Transfer of funds
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 257
Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan, An Act respecting the... — Amendments to Schedule I to the Act (Amend.) — Pension Plan of Management Personnel, An Act respecting the... — Amendments to Schedule II and V to the Act (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 257
Conditions of employment of management staff of school boards (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 260
Certain conditions of employment of senior staff of general and vocational colleges (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 282
Certain conditions of employment of senior executives of general and vocational colleges (Amend.)
Treasury Board
Gazette No. 2 of 09-01-2002
Page: 292